Our next show: "Harvey" by Mary Chase
We are pleased to announce that our next show is "Harvey", by Mary Chase!
Auditions will take place on:
• Sunday 9th February - 6pm-8pm – United Didsbury Methodist Church Hall, M20 5QQ
• Monday 10th February – 8pm-10pm – Parrs Wood inn, M20 6JD
Please see the below link to a folder containing the audition pack and pieces as well as the rehearsal schedule.
The audition process will take the full 2 hours, please select 2 parts to audition for. On the day of the auditions, you will be provided with a form to complete with the parts you are auditioning for and any parts you want to be considered for. Please note there is no limit to the number of parts you can express interest in. Where the parts you are auditioning for are present in multiple audition scenes, please be prepared to do them.
Video auditions are permitted, please ensure these are sent to video.auditionDP@outlook.com before the final audition day/time (Monday 10th February 8pm)
Other key dates are:
Tech Rehearsal: 17th May
Dress Rehearsal: 31st May
Show weekend: 6th and 7th June
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International on behalf of Josef Weinberger Ltd.
www.mtishows.co.uk | www.josef-weinberger.com
Like our Facebook Page or join our Newsletter to stay up to date on shows and auditions.
The Didsbury Players are a very friendly amateur dramatic society based in Didsbury, South Manchester. We meet every Monday night from 8pm till 10pm in the function room of The Parrswood Inn (356 Parrs Wood Rd, Manchester M20 6JD) close to the East Didsbury railway and tram stations.
We always welcome new members for both back stage and performing roles. We put on 3 or 4 performances a year ranging from epic musicals to small dramas. So if you think you might have the drama bug, or are interested in catching it, please drop us a line or come along to one of our Monday meetings.
Sign up to our Newsletter for updates on shows and auditions.
Didsbury Players ADS Official YouTube Channel
Take a look at the Didsbury Players ADS Official YouTube Channel. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of highlight reels and full shows when they are published!